Link: icemountain: RSS?.
To get the minimal points, what exactly does the RSS have to do? I know it needs to produce static feeds, but for a site like ours, what would that entail? Would we be able to have an "announcements" section where the administrators could post annoucements on the homepage and then the dancers could subscribe to the RSS feed? And if so, would we be able to use a blog site like to produce the feeds? So far I have been able to do this and have it load into Sage, but does that count?
The goal of this exercise was to get you to think about your project and how RSS could be used. A feed generated by some software like a blogsite will not do the trick.
The exercise is a little unstructured. Let me try to help. So, one thing that you could do would be an RSS feed for new fund raisers. What would that look like? Consider this tutorial on RSS originally provided by Maulin. Use RSS 2.0 (I think it is simpler). I think you will see it is like filling in the blanks.