Link: Big Dog: icemountain: To parse or not to parse....
#1 What is the difference between a decimal number and a hexadecimal number? It is probably not that important, but I was just curious. Also I'm a little confused about namespaces.
Let me hit these one by one:
- The difference between a decimal number and hexadecimal is that the decimal number is base 10 (i.e., 0..9 are the digits) and hexadecimal is base 16 (i.e., 0..F are the digits with A, B, C, D, E, F providing 6 additional digits after the normal base 10 digits run out).
- I had to think of the simplest possible explanation for namespaces. In our classes, name spaces will boil down to saying that tag names belong to a specific category. We have already seen the xsql namespace declared for xsql:query tags.